The rains are out and the bugs have returned to swiftly coup de grace my suffering crops. As I wait out my last two healthy plants - a crookneck and the pumpkin, I've been thinking of what I really grew in this garden. I guess it doesn't matter - I wasn't counting on any of the food, and I've only begun an understanding of how to incorporate a seasonal harvest into our diet. It only takes a broccoli crown or a couple garden tomatoes in the fridge to realize how artificial our diets really are. I can figure out the best burger in town, go 20 miles to pick it up, bring it home, eat it and clean up easier than I can figure out what the heck to do with a tomato.

October is coming, heralded by my birthday, and ushering in months of short days full of gloomy rain. My spring/summer (Oregon only has two seasons) had plenty of bright spots, but I didn't reach all my goals and spent much of my time/money laying (hopefully solid) foundations for the future. Our garden was the exact same way. I see this winter as a time to come back to present, and if we're still here come spring, well it'll be time to build some memories.

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