Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catching up

I've never caught up with this blog. So every day I work in the garden, I don't want to post without catching up, and I get farther behind. So, I'm going to start with today, and just catch up with pictures.

I have a second birdhouse gourd, mysteriously, growing next to my first. I don't want to kill him, of course, but even one of these is about half too many. The cool season crops are explosive - onions, peas, summer squash, spinach. The warm aren't - tomatoes are finally recovering from the shock of the desolate soil, but my peppers are across the board almost complete write-offs. Highs have still only cracked 70 a couple days this year, with one crazy 85 in there.

Much less rain. I've been watering with milk jugs filled up under our leaky kitchen faucet. The garden is by now taking about 2 gallons, and I mean the faucet is bad but it's not THAT bad. The drip system is set up, but it leaks at the spigot where I didn't quite use the right size part, and there's a weak coupler that pops off when the system is pressurized. Finally, 1/2" line just doesn't cut it for distribution, no matter how cheap you can find some. It isn't flexible enough to service individual plants, and is big enough to damage seedlings as it gets knocked around. Either I get 1/4" line, or a watering can which cuts my losses to $3.

We have an aquarium, 20 gal! And a pond, which is really just a bathtub. With a sizable leak. You know, I'm really just digging a hole for it because at this point I don't have much else to do.

Ok I'm caught up! Pics next time.